
Showing posts from January, 2016

One Word 2016

For several years now, I have been interested in the One Word movement.  Several of my educator friends were inspired by the book, One Word That Will Change Your Life  and had done activities for both themselves and the learners in their classrooms relating to it at the start of each calendar year.  The idea behind it is that instead of a long list of resolutions, you narrow your focus by choosing one word.  The word permeates all of the actions you take and goals you wish to achieve throughout the year. It was an intriguing concept and I turned it over and over in my head, but I had a problem. I could not for the life of me decide on a word. Every year, I would gear up for January, thinking that this was the year.  How hard can it be to pick a word and stick to it?  Words like joy, balance, gratitude, inspire, change, relax, dance, be, live, wonder, rest swarmed my brain until I just declared defeat sometime around February of every year. This year, though, is different. Thi