Apple a Week Series Wrap Up

When I started this blog series, my intent was to challenge myself to really explore how Apple can be used for deeper learning. I wanted to develop my answer to the question, “Why Apple?”  and encourage you to consider it as well. I hope it has opened your mind to some different ways that the Apple foundational programs can be used within your classroom. Though our series ends with this post, I challenge all of us to continue to share ideas in the comments, on our Flipgrid and via Twitter.  Learning, after all, isn’t ever “over” - it morphs and changes and shifts, but with an open mind, it never ceases.

I owe a great deal of thanks to my teammates who co-wrote, linked up, brainstormed ideas and recorded Flipgrid videos. Could I have written all of the posts? Maybe. But there is such power in different perspectives and learning collaboratively.  I hope that my teammates have learned from me through this process as well.

To my inspired educators who are in the trenches trying some of these ideas out - thank you.  I look forward to sharing images and videos of your classes’ music videos, book club journals, Keynote animations and more.   I am always here as a learning partner.

Lastly, I have always taken much inspiration from the Apple Distinguished Educators.  Next year, when applications come out, I hope that some of you will consider applying to be part of this collective group of outstanding educators.  Until then, our learning can continue every Tuesday night at 8 pm CST when the ADEs host #appleeduchat.  It is a GREAT way to develop your PLN and gather new ideas and resources.

So my question once again to you is this...Why Apple?  Our Flipgrid is still waiting for your answer:

What reflections can you share from your experience reading this series?  Let me know in the comments...I’d love to know how this series has impacted your design!

Check out other posts from this series here.


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