TMST: An Apple A Day

I was once told that it is important for us as educators to remember what learning feels like.  To do this, we must actively involve ourselves in learning new things.  

Last week, Apple released its Apple Teacher program, which is a professional learning challenge to help educators learn more about using iPads and Macs in an educational setting.  This self-paced challenge provides educators several modes (Multi-touch book, help site, or from the Apple store)  in which to learn about using Mac and iPad in education.  Upon successful completion of a quick 5 question assessment for different skills, educators earn electronic badges.  

To me, this was a perfect way for me to remember what learning feels like.  

I immediately went into NERD mode and began the program.  On a Friday night.   Yep, I'm super cool.  But the neat part was that a few of my awesome CISD friends were also doing it too.  Back and forth we went on Twitter and I was reminded how fun learning can be when it is "together". Friendly competition helps too. 

I worked my way through badges, sometimes skipping the resources and taking quizzes, other times studying and using the interactive activities in the Multi-touch books.  It is powerful what happens when we can choose the path of our own learning.

Sometimes, I struggled, thinking I knew a process but getting a step wrong here or there. Not everything came easily, but the feedback I got when working on my quizzes helped redirect my learning so I could try again.

And then, I DID IT.  I made it through all the iPad and Mac badges and became a 2016 Apple Teacher.  It felt good to have that recognition, like I accomplished something.  I was proud of the work I had done. 

So my Teach Me Something Tuesday takeaway is this: immerse yourself in a learning process.  You might just find that not only can you gain new knowledge, but you can deepen your understanding of how important the PROCESS of learning is.

Who's next to become an Apple Teacher 2016?  I hereby challenge YOU my blog readers...comment below when you make it!


  1. I'm so proud of you ... I have failed several quizzes, so had to slow down and practice some things a little more! :)

  2. I'm inspired to attempt this! Love your blogs and your passion for learning!

  3. THANK YOU for reflecting on this process. I had a blast reviewing this weekend and am halfway done. Ready to conquer my Mac badges this weekend. Learning IS more FUN together!!!

  4. I want to do try and do this too! Way to go Alli!

  5. Great job, Alli! Thanks for sharing reflections, reminders, and motivation! Learning is so much fun, and it's even better TOGETHER!

  6. I can't wait to see how many Designers earn their badges!


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