TMST: Priorities

Warning: This is not your "typical" Teach Me Something Tuesday.  I promise to get back to dazzling you with amazing digital learning strategies soon, but this Tuesday, I have something else in mind.

My Aunt passed away this weekend.  I haven't told many people.  She was 90 and lived an amazing life making her family happy and perfecting the most amazing cheesecake and strawberry pies I have eaten (sorry, Mom).  It is hard being away from my family as the service will be held in my hometown up north.

The reason I share this is for 2 reasons...

The first is an answer to a popular question I get asked a lot.  People assume because I am a digital learning coach that I am obsessed with technology.  They ask if I have always been "techy".  The answer is usually that I am naturally curious and like learning in all forms, tech included.  The truth is, what made me "techy" is the need for connection.  With my parents and family in other states, I sought ways to connect.  Technology helped me to do that.  This week more than ever, when I can't be there, I am thankful for connection and the technology that helps me "be there" without being there.

The second is simple.  We all get busy.  We all have need to dos and have to dos.  This time of year more than ever, I feel that and I know the educators I work with do too.  But truthfully, it is our connections with others that must take priority.  You don't know when you will have another chance to make someone's day.  

It seems small, but that's my message today. Take time to make connections in person, digitally, in writing, in voice, in video, in silly snapchat messages, whatever.  It's worth it.

Thanks for helping me connect today and for reading.  

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