TMST: Becoming a SLACKer

I am becoming more efficient this year by becoming a SLACKer.

You might be thinking, wait, what?  How is that possible?  

While I am working to put my motto of "do less, better" into place as much as possible, it's not what you think.
Image made with Canva

What I am really referring to is a new tool my team is using to help us be more productive and efficient called Slack.  Through the Slack site/iOS app/Mac app, teams can work together by sharing messages, chat streams, documents and a virtual workspace.  

My team has always used Skype as a backchannel, Trello for project management and Google Drive for collaboration. For a satellite team like mine that must work closely without being in the same physical space, tools like these are crucial.   But Slack is like Skype ON STEROIDS and it integrates with other apps like Google Drive and Trello.    

Image credit: Slack
I admit, I was skeptical to try something new when my team started using it, but I can't deny now that it is a more organized way to work.  I could see Slack being very helpful for district teams and groups, vertical teams and even educators that need to have a virtual workspace for communication with their grade level teams.

Want to learn more?  Watch Slack's tour video here or ask me for a quick demo!  I am learning new things about Slack everyday and would love to share!

How does your team stay connected and productive?  Let me know in the comments!


  1. And......already on my Mac and Phone....thanks for another tool, my friend! LOVE IT!


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