TMST: Got Bulb? Part 2

This week, I facilitated a refresher training on Bulb, the platform my district is in the process of implementing for digital portfolios.  It was great to have time with my campus to reactivate what we know and work toward the next steps.  

The thing about initiatives is that while they are exciting and move us forward, they can also bring up challenges to our need for certainty. For me, this means breaking things down and taking one next right step.

Sometimes it is starting with a micro-step, as slow steps are still steps.

Sometimes my next right step is asking for help.

Sometimes it is researching and learning, other times it is taking a few minutes to breathe by putting it to the side.  

No matter where you are with implementing digital portfolios, your DLC is on your side.  We want to help you regardless of what your next right step is. 

Here are a few ideas:

1.  Take a few minutes to learn (if you are ready) from the materials shared at our campus training.  

2. Book time with your DLC to get Bulb set up, brainstorm artifacts to offer as a choice to add, or talk through reflection stems.

3.  Sign up to attend the DLC hosted Webinar covering Critical Thinking Through Bulb on Tuesday of next week.

Even if you aren't ready for any of the above, my challenge to you is to brainstorm 1 small thing that could get you to your next right step.  Share it as a commitment in the comments!


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