TMST: Deck the Portfolios with Bulbs of Awesome

Usually at this time in December, the only bulbs I am thinking about are the ones I am putting on my Christmas tree.  This year, however, it is year 1 of our digital portfolio initiative through the tool called Bulb and visions of digital reflections have replaced the sugar plums dancing in my head.

As we have gotten started with our portfolios,  my team and I have learned a couple of things worth sharing.  Think of these tips as the trim on your portfolio “tree” aka simple tips for you and your class to help make your portfolios “sparkle”!

1. Cook up some creative images for your Bulb 

As our learners personalize their portfolios, consider letting them get creative with the images they create.  Why not have them create an avatar of themself using the drawing and shape tools in Keynote? Exported as an image, drawings can easily be added to their profile picture, providing an extra layer of safety and uniqueness.

Creating an avatar in Keynote is easy when you follow these steps:

Step 1: Use the + in Keynote to add a drawing and/or shapes

Step 2: Tap the ⋯ and select Export

Step 3: Choose Images

Step 4: Add to Bulb

2. Light up your Bulb Cover Images with Keynote

We have ALL been there - you find the perfect image to use as a cover image in Bulb, you upload it and then see this:

Most of the time, we tap “use anyway” and move on.  But what do you do when all the images you choose get distorted and blurry??

My teammate, Kasey, had an amazing idea to help with finding and customizing images that meet the size requirements for cover images in Bulb.  Take a minute to watch the screencast she shared here and then download the Keynote Template files to share with your classes.

3. Gift yourself with some basic tips from Bulb

Lastly, are you thinking...whoa...let’s just pump the brakes a minute?  Give yourself the “gift” of a Bulb basics refresher with this resource found by my teammate, Sam!

How are you feeling about your digital portfolios?  Jolly? Grinchy? Let me know in the comments!


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