TMST: Twitter Sanity

I am often asked, "Alli, how do you keep up with all the things?"  While I stifle my laughter since most of the time I feel like I am drowning just like everyone else, my mind always ends up at Twitter.  

I know.  Twitter.  

Image Credit: Roobee

You either love it or hate it.  To honest, I hated it too circa 2009.  I laughed at people who felt the need to update everyone on everything in their lives.  I just didn't get it.

These days, you might say I am slightly addicted to Twitter.  It is my #1 place to get news, professional learning and discussion from others passionate about education like me.  I follow approximately 1,000 people and if I have one beef, it is how overwhelming having access to all that information can be.

So here is one secret of how I keep up with "all the things" - 


In my profile, I created lists of people and groups so that I can drown out the noise and filter only information that I want to see.  I have lists for each campus and for my other digital learning coaches.  I can follow other people's public lists too.

Take a quick look at this video to learn more about how to use lists to keep your Twitter sanity in check.

Video made with the OpenTest Google Chrome Extension

What lists would you make to help you keep up with "all the things"?  


  1. You are such an incredible resource, Alli! THANKS for teaching me something new this Tuesday! I need to create some LISTS in my PLN!

  2. Awesome info, Alli! I'll try making Twitter lists as well!

  3. Love the idea of lists on Twitter. I will be talking to you more about this! Thanks so much for all of your support!


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