Attitude of Gratitude

If you have been following my Twitter feed lately, you've seen me use #gratitude a lot. It is because my team has challenged ourselves to spend 21 days of gratitude. I'm finding it is helping me see my world using a lens of positivity and growth.

Speaking of gratitude, we’ve now entered November, and what better time for our learners to celebrate our gratitude than the month of Thanksgiving?

"Attitude of Gratitude" Wall in Stephanie Shannon's 2nd grade space at RJL

My teammate, Sam Neal, has created a FlipGrid just for that purpose. We are inviting you all to share your own gratitude and to use this is a reflection space for your learners!

There are 21 Days of Gratitude sentence stems on the FlipGrid if anyone would like to use that as inspiration or to help the learners express what they’re grateful for. Feel free to use this resource or ignore it completely!

A neat feature you might also explore with your learners is the ability to respond to other learners’ videos. This would be a fun way to connect your classrooms, connect to other campuses across the district, or involve your classroom families!

To add to the FlipGrid, simply go to either:

Lastly, I am thankful for you. When starting this blog, I wrote mainly for me and the few that would read. As I look at my stats 1.5 years in, I noticed I have hit over 5,000 views. I'm grateful to serve in even the smallest of ways. Thanks for thinking I may have something cool to say!


  1. I enjoy your contributions to this blog and am GRATEFUL beyond measure for YOU!


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