TMST: Accessibility Matters

I've been thinking a lot lately about what it truly means when we say "learning for all".  So often we focus on the big picture of designing learning but when we do, do we miss some of the small triumphs that can happen in the details?  

As educators, we are here to seek success for all and that means we need to begin celebrating and sharing the power of what our devices can do for individual learning challenges.  

This week, I worked with a learner that struggles with reading.  It made me many of us are harnessing the power of iPad accessibility settings with our learners?

With 3 built in features of his iPad, we were able to gift him with the power of reading support.  Let's break it down, vlog style!

Speak Selection - 1:19 min

Speak Screen - 1:32 min

Safari Reader View - 1:04

I would love to visit you and talk more about how technology can assist specific learners in your class! Book me for a visit to learn more about these features and an app that scans documents and reads them to you!

Did you like these videos?  I used the screencast recorder on my iPad and the Clips app to make them!  Learn more about it here and here.


  1. These are such great ideas ... especially to use with ELs! Thank you for sharing!


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