TMST: Classlink Resolutions

Welcome back dear readers!  I hope you had a relaxing break and are ready for some January action.  Those who know me know that I am not the biggest fan of the month of January so I will be pulling out all the stops to make it a great month!

I'll be posting about my one word for 2017 soon, but for today, I have other resolutions on my mind.  

Back in the fall, our technology department announced that our district would be using Classlink, a single sign on tool that lets you and your learners access important district programs from one spot.  

This, to me as your friendly resident elementary coach, is a GAME CHANGER.

We have access to so many cool things...but there are often so many different logins to remember, that getting our kiddos to get to them is like herding cattle.

Classlink has an app (that is included in Self Service) and has a web version for use on computers.  All programs that are important to your campus as well as our district should be populated in.  Don't see something in your login that you need?  Put in a ZenDesk ticket to get other resources added!

A view from my Classlink App 

After talking to a fourth grade teacher who is using this tool to access the Social Studies online textbook resources, it is clear that not only is access made easy, but viewing and interacting with a resource is seamless and faster for our learners too.

Want to learn more?  

Check out the Technology Department's Classlink Information Sheet here!

So if you have room in your edtech resolutions to try something new, give Classlink a try. You might just be glad you did!


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