TMST: The Internet is Down, Now What?

As I pulled into the campus parking lot last Thursday, which also happened to be Digital Learning Day, I received a text.  It went something like this:

Create at Imgflip
The internet is down is not something ANY of us wants to hear.  It is inconvenient and most of the time throws our best laid plans out the window.

But as the time ticked on and I kept hearing the half-hearted laughs of a no internet Digital Learning Day (many from myself), I began to think...why does everything have to stop?  Digital learning is not about tools.  It's about creating. It's about processing thinking.  It's about more than just connecting via the web.

You might remember that I am on a mission this year to really explore how to better provide deeper learning experiences through Apple devices. So I challenged myself to make a list of all the things that worked on my iPad, even with no internet.  

What I found was...well, awesome.  

Many of the apps and functions I love about my iPad still worked. Don't believe me?  Try it!  Put your iPad on Airplane mode and test out some apps. 

Find any good ones I haven't thought of yet?  Add them to my list below!

Alli's List of Apps that don't need WIFI 

Sure, changing plans at the last minute is not everyone's dream of a stress free day, but what could our learners create if we thought outside the wifi?  Could a group of learners have collaborated on a video explaining a process? Could learners still have been able to make observations throughout the school via a photo walk? Could learners have spent time working on composing digital reflections to be shared once the internet was back?

How will your day look different the next time there is a "blip" in service? I now know mine will be rich with creations. Let me know in the comments!


  1. THANK YOU for sharing how to handle the “blips” of no connectivity. I, too, giggled at the timing of the outage. Murphy’s law!

  2. I love this post! Great job! Miss seeing you:) I am at Anderson today...thinking of our Book Buddy days...haha!

  3. Alli, thank you for the reminder of how our iPads are learning tools not wifi tools! This is a great list of apps that will still be functional without internet service. Keep them creating!


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