TMST: Got Bulb?

Several years ago, I was lucky enough to coach one of our district's first elementary schools to pilot 1:1 in 4th and 5th grade. I've been thinking of that small group of educators a lot lately now that our district has gone 1:1 in all grades.

As we learned together that year, we dreamed of an aligned way that learners could show their growth by self selecting items and reflecting digitally on them - a digital portfolio that could travel with them along their educational path beyond elementary school.

That time has come.  After much thought and consideration, a focus group of our CISD educators worked together to adopt our districtwide portfolio tool, Bulb. 

To help get you started, the DLCs have created a guide with resources that will help you introduce Bulb to your classroom using our district template.  

Getting Started with Bulb Portfolios in CISD

am excited to support you and your team on this journey.  Let me know if you'd like to set up a time to discuss the getting started resources!

Lastly, keep in mind that digital portfolios are so much more than "just a tool".  This article by George Couros has some great questions to consider as we develop the "why" and the "how" of implementing portfolios.

How will you use our Bulb digital portfolios to foster a culture of growth and reflection in your class?  Let me know in the comments!


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