TMST: Just Breathe

Last week, I had the opportunity to take part in an amazing connection coordinated by my teammate, Monica Champagne, with the Surana School in India.  The webinar we hosted with them may have spanned multiple time zones and countries, but because of technology, it felt like we were right next door.

Connecting that far away can be overwhelming with potential for hiccups. It was a good thing that our topic was about stress management through yoga and meditation in the classroom - a hot topic in this stress-filled world.

As learners from the Surana School modeled breathing and yoga, I had the realization that distance and culture are no longer barriers to learning.  The world is as open as we choose it to be.

Our campuses have been exploring the brain and how stress can inhibit learning as well.  It was exciting to see our educators and counselors discuss via the chat of the webinar how this topic impacts their classrooms.  Special thanks to Allison Moore and the kids at Cottonwood Creek for sharing their mindful minutes in the session.

In addition to the great information shared from our friends in India, we were able to discuss some great digital resources that support mindfulness in the classroom.   The Calm app is one of my favorites - it is usually a paid app, but educators can get it for free!

The learning experience and connection doesn't have to stop now that the webinar is over. Click here to view the archived webinar link!  We also encourage you to connect with Surana School by sharing videos of your learners practicing mindfulness in the classroom on the Flipgrid below.  Login using your gmail account.

Lastly, connecting globally doesn't have to be as big as the connection we made last week.  For more information on how to start small with digital connections, check out the latest podcast from the Coppell Digital Learning Coaches:

What strategies are YOU using to help ease stress in the classroom?  How will you start small and connect?  Let me know in the comments!


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