TMST: Techno Trick or Treat

When I was a kid, nothing was more fun than trick or treating at this time of year.  We knew which neighbors had the best candy, which ones to hit up twice and how to trade when we got the dreaded boxes of Good and Plenty.

Learning from a PLN is a lot like trick or treating.  I love that you read this blog and all its "treats" showcasing what I am learning and reflecting on, but if you only read mine, how will you ever know what other delicious bites you might find at the other DLC blogs?  After all, the only person who owns the teaching or learning in your growth journey is you.

Which is why this week, we are going blog trick or treating to see what some of my DLC buddies are sharing.  

Will you stop by Trisha's blog for a BYTE of learning on Explain Everything?

Will you visit Megan's Learn Together post on Schoology, including her "quick wins" for using Completion Rules?

Will you visit DianaLyn's Eduperks Blog on iPad accessibility features and drawing in the Notes app, including tips from the Apple Training we just went to?

Will you brush up on your understanding by reading Monica and Kelly's Teacher Tech in Under 2 post on Redefining Success through Digital Portfolios?

All of these DLCs (and more like my friends, Kasey and Sam) connect their learning and reflection in some amazing ways.  I encourage you to visit them even when it isn't a "trick or treat" time to continue your growth as a learner.  I know I do.

Which TECHNO treat did you enjoy reading about?  What will you try in your classroom?  

Let me know in the comments!


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