TMST: One Word 2019

If you have read my blog awhile, you know that I'm not one for big, sweeping New Year's resolutions.  Instead, I go through a process to pick a word to strive toward for the year.  I originally wrote about One Word in 2016 and over the years it has become a tradition for me and many of the educators and learners with which I work.  

What is One Word?  Learn more from Jon Gordon here.

What will YOUR word be?  What words will your learners strive toward?  

Because this is a valued tradition of mine, I built a quick Numbers workflow that can help lead your learners through a process for selecting their words.  Simply click the link below, download the file and airdrop a copy to your learners.

One Word Numbers Template

This year, my word chose me by way of my best friend, who basically told me what I needed to do.  The more I thought about the word, the more I could see that she was right.

So this year, I'll be saying YES.  Not just yes to anything and everything, but I will be learning to say my best yes, which means saying no to things that don't serve my joy and purpose.

I hope YOU will say yes to #oneword2019 with your learners or for yourself as an educator.  Let me know what you choose in the comments! 

Check out my archived words here!


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