TMST: Blogging Buddies

For years, we as educators have been talking about connected classrooms.  Over the years, many classes I have worked with have connected with experts, used tools that allow for online collaboration and joined projects that involve learning with others outside of their classroom walls.

But how do we make sure those connections promote deeper thinking?

I've been thinking about this question a lot lately.

To me, a connected classroom starts with a connected educator.  Connected educators are inspired by connected coaches.  As I reflect upon the types of connections made by myself and modeled to the educators with which I coach, I realized something.

It's a step to put yourself out there, and I took that step by starting this blog. But connection isn't just putting yourself out there, it is the conversation between thinkers, the shared work of collaborators, the process of problem solving with someone and more.

That's why I decided it was time for me to show you how I am trying to connect more deeply.  I want you, my readers, to know that there is power in working together and seeking new perspectives.  

I recently joined a group of other EdTech Coaches through a project called Blogging Buddies.  This is my first type of project like this.  I am paired with 4 other coaches around the world to learn, reflect and share with each other.  I joined because if I am hoping you and your classrooms will begin connecting with others, I need to do that as well.

My Blogging Buddies have some pretty cool sites and I invite you to visit and learn from them as you would from me.

Eric Curts -
Dierdre Shetler -
Daniel Scott
Debra Killen - 

I'll keep you posted on how this connection project of mine goes!  There are many projects like this for educators and classrooms out there and I'd love to help you find one if you get inspired.  In the meantime, let me know in the comments...

How do YOU promote deeper thinking with your learners by connecting with others?


  1. Hi Alli, So excited to have you joining the Blogging Buddies initiative! I think you hit the nail on the head, and are truly walking the walk (or maybe typing the type since it's a blog?!) of a connected educator! Love this post as a summary to why you joined Blogging Buddies. Looking forward to learning with you!

  2. Conversations, collaboration, problem-solving, others' perspectives...all great aspects of deeper thinking within connections! Quality reasons why to join something like Blogging Buddies and move forward together! I think too that we can't wait for it to happen because we can be apart of it somehow.

    So glad you took this step out of your comfort zone to blog!

    What new perspective and/or collaboration have you had recently?

  3. Alli, I love how you wrapped this personal challenge into something broader that can impact the teachers you are working with. I really appreciate how you have been thinking critically about what the true value of being a connected educator is. It's so easy as a coach to just show off new tools and tricks to try, but thinking deeply about the craft of educating is not so easy. Way to model that deep thinking! I look forward to connecting with you more!


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