TMST: A Podcast on Creativity

Many of you readers may know and listen to the Coppell Digital Learning Podcast broadcast by my team.  I don't always cross post, but last week's episode is one of my favorites because it highlights some of our learners' views on creativity.  

If you asked me as a child what creativity was, I would have probably said creating beautiful art, a skill that I definitely did not have.  My access to creativity was more limited then and definitely not often found in my classroom. Often my adult view is heavily influenced by what I experienced.  

That's the reason I am choosing to post the episode with our learners today - to remind us that the classrooms of our past are not the classrooms of their present or future.  Our learners each had different views...but all gave me hope.  

As an extra this week, in the spirit of the "popping in" segment of our show, enjoy this little screenshot that changed the way I access my district H drive, Zendesk and Self Service directly from my menu bar at the top of my Mac screen:

Sometimes it's the little things.

What's your take on creativity?  Do you agree with our learners? Let me know in the comments!


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