TMST: Toy Theater Virtual Manipulatives

Bitmoji ImageI recently came across a tweet that was talking about a great site for virtual manipulatives and more.  Toy Theater has been so much fun to test out and explore, I just had to share it with you!

I love the way these work on our Vivitek boards and iPads*.  Learners can easily drag and manipulate different math concepts.  
Fraction Tiles on the Vivitek Board!

Some of my favorites:
  •  the number charts that let you color code and seek patterns in the numbers
  • fraction tiles that can be adjusted and compared
  • a perimeter and area grid that helps learners calculate and visualize 
  • 2 color counters and ten frames, rekenreks and pattern blocks galore

The possibilities for classroom use seem endless.  I could see learners working with the site on their iPads, taking a screenshot and then using markup, Notability or Seesaw to annotate and explain their thinking.  Those of us that have access to Vivitek boards could add this site into a collaborative station or mini-lesson.  Your DLC would love to help!

How might YOU use this site to promote deeper thinking in the classroom?  Let me know in the comments!

*Many of the resources I have tried work on the iPads, but always test out before using with learners!


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