TMST: BOY Organization

Today on Teach Me Something Tuesday, we are celebrating all things beginning of the year! 

Tis the season for new school supplies, getting to know you activities and TONS of email.  No, seriously.  Not only are we getting used to early alarm clocks and brand new personalities, but our inboxes are growing at record speeds.  Parent emails, procedure emails, compliance emails, OH MY!  How does anyone keep up with all of the THINGS?

I wish I had an easy answer, but let's face it...if you've read this far, you get a gold star.  So without further ado, here are a few simple tips I have for organizing and keeping up with all the BOY stuff!

Tip #1 - Bookmark and Sync Stuff in Chrome and/or DIIGO

How often are you sent a link and then promptly lose it?  This was me ALL the time until I started logging into Google Chrome on all of my devices and syncing my data.  When you do, your bookmarks follow you.  FOR REALZ.  Click here to learn more.  If Chrome is not for you, check out DIIGO.  Not only can you bookmark and categorize links into lists, but you can annotate sites and keep the annotations saved for later. 

Tip #2 - Digital To Dos
Are you a post-it note person?  Do you lose them?  Yep, me too.  To ease my panic about lost to do lists, I started using the Wunderlist app.  Each week, I make a running list, add due dates, notes, etc. and check them off as I go.  They sync across my devices (Mac, phone, iPad, web)  AND I can share the list with other people who also have accounts!  ROCKSTAR.  I'm also a fan of the Incredible Start Page Chrome extension which includes digital post-its and bookmarks.

Tip #3 - Keep Calm and Read this Blog
Warning: shameless plug ahead...I am making it a goal of mine to make sure all things Digital Learning are communicated here.  Did you know that...
  • You can follow this blog via email by signing up on the right?
  • This blog can be searched by label?  Just click on a label at the bottom of a post and see all that apply.
  • If you click on the RESOURCES link at the top, you'll find resources that I have shared recently, like the CISD Digital Literacy Overview and login information?

What tips do you have for keeping up with the speed of August and September?  Let me know in the comments!


  1. Okay....I think I could adopt Wunderlist- weekend learning- too many inbox items to get through right now ;) THANKS FOR SHARING!

    1. THANK YOU for your comment. Wunderlist should be fairly easy to learn, but let me know if I can help in any way!

  2. I 💙 you! You have such a way with words, reading your blog is just like listening to you live....which I absolutely appreciate!

    Bookmarking useful website main Chrome is one of my favorite things to do, I'll definitely be "starring" this site 😄 A great tool for organizing email is to create folders to drag & drop mail to based on the contents. This helps me have a record of communication and keep my inbox clean for items that need action and/or following up. If you're like me and aren't a fan of downloading apps on personal devices (sad, but true), use the built in "reminders" app for you digital post-it' can set reminders for the days you need to be complete the task! #lifesaver

    1. :) Happy to have you as a reader, friend! Thank you for taking time to comment. :) One thing I LOVE about the time we are living in right now is that there are so many ways for people to manage their productivity...I appreciate you sharing yours because reminders and email folders ROCK. :)


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