Hello, blog readers! No, I didn't fall off the face of the planet. Life events forced me to truly disconnect this summer, which I rarely do. It was needed and it was worth it. Since my One Word for the year is BREATHE, I knew this summer must be one of rest. But...a new school year is upon us. As I move from dreading the alarm clock to the inevitable excitement a new year brings, I am reminded of a quote from the movie, You've Got Mail . We met our new hires today during Digital Learning Day. I wanted to tell them all the things - how our district promotes risk, how we believe in learning beyond the tools, how little kids can and will when we have growth mindsets. I wanted to tell them that is is less about technology and more about relationships, that if they are willing to let go, the sky is the limit for our kids. I wanted to tell them that they have as much to teach me as I have to offer them. It's a lot for a "first day", but I kn...
I want to learn with you!!!