TMST: Back to SCHOOLogy

I have been loving spending time in classrooms this week with my buddy, Technology Ted, helping our learners start the year off on the right foot as digital citizens.  It has been awesome to have this time with educators and learners but I must admit, I am anxious to get into some deeper design work now that our Digital Literacy Overview and first logins are being completed.  I learn so much from the design process and to me, now is when the fun really begins!

That being said, this week on Teach Me Something Tuesday, let's talk getting back in the swing of digital learning design by looking deeper into some things to consider when going back to SCHOOLogy.

I LOVE that our district has made Schoology's learning management system available to elementary. It is an easy, one stop shop for our learners.  Whether you are a newbie or a seasoned user, here are some tips that could be helpful now that we are back to school!

Tip #1:  Don't recreate the wheel...Locate your Archived Courses

If you had courses last year, but cannot find them this year, don't fret!  They still exist as archived courses.  Check out this link to find out how to find them!  Once you locate them, you can copy some of the awesome experiences you designed last year, add to your new classes that have been imported in from Pentamation, and tweak as needed for your new kiddos!

Tip #2:  Work smarter not harder...Link your Google Drive to Schoology

This is a total must if you haven't done it fact, this video is something I would share with learners that will be using Schoology too.  This actually makes it so you can view and create Google Docs without leaving Schoology.  YEPPERS...can you say convenient?

Tip #3:  Sharing is Caring...Using Group Resources

Why pressure yourself to do all the work when you can work as a team?  Use a Schoology group to share resources that can be copied into your courses!  Need help?  I'd love to work with you to get all set up!

Tip #4:  Parents are people too...Don't forget to get your parents involved!

Parents can access their learners' courses using a parent account.  Use this information to help bring them up to speed on how to use their CISD Schoology parent accounts!

Here's a bonus tip...did you know that if you comment me a burning question about Schoology I will create a customized answer just for you?  Let me know what YOU want to know below!


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