Finding Purpose in the "Other"

Can we all just pause a second to reflect on how awesome it is to have a 3 day weekend 2 weeks into school starting?  I don't know about you, but I sure needed it after a long week of supporting our tech department, educators and learners with iPad rollout.

Image created with the Mematic App
While necessary, rolling out iPads has never been my dream.  The logistics tend to overwhelm my perfectionist soul, last minute unknowns keep everyone on their toes and hiccups are inevitable.  Always hard on myself, I worry about the time spent away from classrooms and design work as if I am constantly letting someone down.

But as I reflect on my last couple of weeks, I keep coming back to our kids.  Our kids are ready and able to learn using technology that much faster because of the team of dedicated people who helped with iPad rollout.

In education, most of us have a small line at the end of our job description: other duties as assigned. Most of the time, we think of the mundane "extras" like morning duty, making copies, attending meetings, being part of committees, etc. as what defines that.

But I started thinking...maybe that line is a subtle way of reminding us that we are servant leaders and that we do what it takes, anything it takes, to make sure our learners are taken care of well.

With that lens, even things we don't dream of about our jobs become worth it. 

May your week be full, heart happy and purpose clear, even when it seems like other duties assigned are taking up the majority of your time.  Even if they benefit only one learner, I promise, they are worth it.

What other duties will YOU perform this week and how will your lens help you to reframe the purpose of those tasks?

Keep an eye out for Teach Me Something Tuesday!

View my schedule for the week here.


  1. Beautifully said, as always! This has been my first experience with roll-out from the DLC side, but in the thick of it all, it is nice to remember and be reminded that this is a necessary step in getting technology in the hands of our learners. Thank you for sharing!


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