TMST: Apple Classroom

I'm pleased to feature Apple Classroom here on the blog this week!  Let's take a look at it Q/A style!

What is Apple Classroom?

Click "Watch Apple Classroom Guided Tour" on the link below to see it in action!

Are there any special notes about getting Apple Classroom to work?

Apple Classroom works best when you are using the most updated version of iOS and Bluetooth is on.  At this time, Apple Classroom does not work with the version of iPad Mini's we have in CISD.

How do I get Apple Classroom set up for my class?

1:1 Devices (4th/5th grade)
Request it to be set up via Zendesk (see S'more for details)

Shared Devices (PreK-3rd grade, special areas)
Set up manually (See S'more for details)

This S'more below features everything you need to get Apple Classroom ready for your class.  I'd love to help you with a demo for your team, modeling with for your class or answering any other questions you might have!  

What excites you about Apple Classroom? What help do you need? Let me know in the comments!


  1. I love how clear and concise this was. And Smore is such an excellent landing spot for that kind of information. Have you had a lot of success with Apple Classroom? We are pretty heavily running Google Classroom, and folks have definitely been enjoying it. I feel like it's really a bit shift in education, shifting the focus of education from a stack of papers in teachers hands to a device students have already that is their gateway to so much more knowledge.

  2. My favorite features of Apple Classroom must be the grouping feature and the locking feature. It helps ensure all learners are on task and are listening during important announcements or instructions.


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